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4 Compelling Reasons Why You Shouldn't Do Plant Auctions Independently

You've secured all the necessary permits to liquidate your business. All that's left is to hold plant auctions and relieve the property and equipment you possess. While it sounds simple on paper, you'll find it much more complex and challenging in the days and weeks to come. Here are four convincing reasons to always work with third-party auctioneers.

Unscrupulous Appraisers and Restorers

You will want to restore and upgrade your existing facilities and equipment before holding plant auctions. Doing so will increase the value you can sell them to willing buyers. Unfortunately, some unscrupulous appraisers and restorers who work independently can take advantage of your situation, leaving you with underwhelming outputs and value.

Buyers Who Haggle Too Much

Some businesses bypass plant auctions, especially if they have a buyer network waiting to purchase their existing equipment and facilities. However, sticking to just one buyer puts you in a position of "needing" to sell your property. Therefore, they can control prices, limiting your possible returns during liquidation due to haggling.

Delays in Your Auctioning and Liquidation Process

You can always find another buyer, but if you're pressed for time, you might find the auctioning and liquidation process delayed. It can be difficult to find all the buyers you need quickly. However, a dependable auctioning company, such as Infinity Asset Solutions, can handle the entire process in the fastest way possible.

Stretched-Thin Resources and Manpower

Lastly, it's best to avoid doing auctions independently if you don't possess the resources and labor to achieve your objectives. Dependable auctioning companies, such as Infinity Asset Solutions, provide their services to help you with your selling goals.

Work with a Dependable Auctioning Service to Avoid All of the Above

If you have yet to find a reliable auctioneer, you can always count on us and our century of experience at Infinity Asset Solutions. Contact us today to learn more about our services.

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