When you're processing wood, metal, ceramics, or other alloys and materials, you'll need your exceptional bandsaw blades for the task. These durable blades can cut through anything thanks to their dependable built, adjustable speed, and longevity. However, they will still wear and tear over time. Here are four easy-to-identify signs that it's time for you to replace.
Inconsistent Blade Cutting Movement
Frequent variations in all your bandsaw blades' movements might only require minor adjustments in certain situations that technicians can identify through inspection. In most cases, grinding due to misalignment despite poor maintenance is the most likely cause. This symptom is common among aged and frequently-used blades.
Stripped and Grinding Teeth
Due to increasing teeth stripping, slowed down feed rate is a typical issue for numerous bandsaw blades available in the market. Slowing and grinding teeth cause major technical problems that cause problematic variations on your final output. No fix is available for stripped-teeth blades except to replace them with efficient ones.
Hairline Fractures
Fractures can appear on new blades due to a manufacturing fluke. However, stress and consistent use are the major factors commonly causing hairline fractures to appear on old and aging blades. No remedy exists for these, and they need immediate replacements because the fissures can increase in size with daily pressure and cutting vibrations.
More Than Five Years in Consistent Use
If you've been using your blades for more than five years, you should replace them. Most blades have a 3-5-year lifespan. Truthfully, it's miraculous for it to live beyond 4-5 years. Therefore, we highly advise you to replace them once they reach this threshold age.
Get the Best Replacements from Dependable Manufacturers
Lastly, get blade replacement sets from manufacturers you can count on, such as us at Industrial Bandsaw Services. Contact us today to learn more about everything that we can achieve with you!