Isolation pads do so much to improve the overall lifespan and durability of pipe systems. They reduce possible rust and corrosion. Plus, they improve the audible noise and vibrations in piping systems. However, they aren't perfect materials, and they can suffer from massive damages over time. Here are four clear signs you should have your isolation pads replaced soon.
Noticeably Louder Sewage Activity Sound
Isolation pads significantly reduce the overall vibration of pipes. Plus, they protect them against corrosion. If your client reports noticeable louder pipe activity than before, especially with sewage pipes, immediately inspect these areas to find any possible worn-out isolation clips. Inform your client about replacing these clips and including them in the project's budget.
More Than 3-5 Years of Use
Pads and clips in service for more than half a decade are highly likely worn out. They can suffer degradation at the same age and pace as vehicle and music studio isolation dampeners. However, regardless of manufacturing practices and quality, isolation clips will exhibit troubling symptoms passing by their first half-decade use.
Isolation Clip Grip Issues
New and aged grips can suffer from clip grip issues. If the PVC clip itself has a clip with a loose thread, then it's worth replacing the entire clip, including the pads. You can't remove and place the pads to another clip because manufacturers have intended them to remain rigid and sturdy.
Higher Friction Coefficient
All isolation clip pads have high friction coefficients and a great compressive capability, making them the best dampeners for different pipe types. However, if the friction coefficient gets higher due to wear and tear, it's time to replace them immediately.
Get The Best Isolation Clips Today
You can get the best wholesale prices for isolation clips from Vibrasystems. Contact us today or visit our website to learn more about our products and services.