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4 Biggest Industries With Extensive Uses for Case Conveyor Systems

You can assume that any type of production facility will use a case conveyor system to transport materials and products across their process routes. However, every factory or production facility uses a different kind of conveyor system. In the case of using container conveyor systems, these four giant industries have extensive use for them.

Electronic Parts and Components Manufacturing

The raw materials of transistors, capacitors, and other electronic parts and components require proper segregation before the case conveyor system delivers them to their respective production facility process routes. Case conveyors are effective because sensors can detect the case's color and send the case to the right route accordingly.

Automotive Parts Manufacturing

Case conveyor systems are extensively part of any automotive parts manufacturing facility's daily processes. They see great use when it comes to small component manufacturing, such as vehicle electronics and mirrors. However, automotive parts manufacturers use heavy-duty steel conveyors to deliver heavier cart parts across their facilities.

Shipping and Packaging Companies

Advanced shipping and logistics companies use motorised conveyor belts. Sorting different fragile and heavy-duty items for delivery requires different process routes, which makes case sensors handy in automatically delivering items and packages for sorting in the fastest way possible.

Industrial Equipment and Tool Manufacturing Companies

Similar to electronic and automotive parts and components manufacturers, industrial equipment and tool manufacturing produces many raw materials, parts, and fittings that require accurate transportation across assembly areas. Case conveyors work well in saving time and labour ensuring a stable and consistent process.

Get The Best Conveyor Systems Today

Norpak Handling has decades of experience providing only the best-quality conveyor equipment for any industry. We've worked with Canada Post, FedEX, General Motors, and other companies in ensuring they meet their production and logistic goals with the finest conveyor systems available. Contact us today to learn more all about what we can do for you.

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