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4 Accurate Signs It's Time to Have Your Perimeter Lighting Replaced Quickly

All fleet vehicles use perimeter lighting to announce their arrival in tandem with a loud and powerful siren. Manufacturers such as D&R Electronics have made sure these beacons can last for decades. However, regardless of its manufacturing quality, all beacons will break down over time. Here are four accurate signs it is time to replace them.

You've Used It for More Than a Decade

Most LED beacons have the same lifespan as those used in fixtures, home development, interior, and exterior lighting, and others. They have a 20,000-50,000-hour lifespan. Therefore, if you've been using your beacon lights for more than 5-10 years, it's time to have them replaced.

It's Seen Long Term Use In Extreme Weather Situations

LED beacons suffer from poor heat dissipation. Well-manufactured LEDs have excellent heatsinks. But even with the best heatsinks, LEDs that have seen prolonged action in extreme weather will always have a shorter lifespan than average. If your fleet vehicles have gone under the sun or snow for long periods, you need to replace your lights soon.

Dimming Intensity at Random

More often than not, the LED circuitry and wiring rather than the light source or bulb itself is at fault when the LED intensity grows dim or fluctuates. Repairs can address dimming and electronic fluctuation, but the damage can reach a point that buying a new LED beacon is much more satisfactory.

It Won't Turn On at All

Both circuitry and LED bulb have ceased to function correctly if the beacon doesn't turn on at all. This incident is similar to commercial-grade LED lights that fail to perform because the bulb has reached the end of its lifespan.

Reliable Manufacturers Can Get You The Best LEDs You Need

If you have yet to find a dependable vehicle manufacturer, you can count on us at D&R Electronics. With over 40 years of experience providing quality solutions for fleet vehicles, you can trust us in delivering quality results. Contact us today to learn more about everything that we can do for you.

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