Ships are crucial for many of the tasks that people need to perform. They are needed for transportation, commerce, military purposes, and recreation. The importance of ships can be seen by comparing the amount of money spent on them to other structures like large buildings or shopping malls.
Today, ship fabrication is different due to the vast amount of technology required. Ship fabrication requires advanced equipment such as 3D printers, laser cutting machines, and computer numerical control (CNC) milling machines, which makes structural steel fabrication necessary for every step.
Fortunately, it’s easy to find the best materials for ships. Read more about each of them below.
AH36 Steel
AH36 Steel is a low carbon steel, so it is much stronger than common steel. This steel has a yield strength of 3600 MPa and a hardness of 23-25 HRC. It is used in shipbuilding because it is tough and strong enough to withstand the forces that ship parts are subjected to during construction and transportation.
The other uses of AH36 steel aside from ship panels might include automotive parts, blades for wind turbines, and others.
EH36 Steel
EH36 is a type of steel made of high carbon steel with increased hardenability. It is commonly used in the construction industry for armor plates, armor-plated structures, armor-plated machines, and in structural steel fabrication, which includes ship making.
EH36 is a steel grade used in shipbuilding because it provides high resistance to corrosion, oxidation, and abrasion. In fact, the best possible corrosion resistance for this steel grade is provided by a high chromium content of around 12%.
DH36 Steel
The strength of DH36 steel is greater at room temperature than most other steels. It has a yield strength of 350 MPa and a tensile strength of 1,550 MPa, which makes it stronger than most steels. Another property of DH36 steel is that it does not have the weld ability problems that are commonly associated with high carbon steel, making it perfect for modern ships.
Have The Best Fabricators Assemble Your Ships Today
You can always use Scarboro Steel Works’ greatly-reliable team of fabricators to assemble and achieve the best results for all your structural fabrication needs. Contact us today to learn more about everything that we can do for you.