The backer rods are being known for their important role when sealing open joints especially during construction projects. Some applications in construction would require the use of waterproof rods while there also others which may require the use of flexible filler rods. For this reason, there are two main types of backer rods that are used in order to suit these applications. These are the soft rod and the closed cell rod. Most of the applications make use of the soft backing rods that is flexible and at the same time soft in nature. It is also known as the open cell backer rod. This is explained by the microstructure which is made up of open cells.
The soft rod is also made up of breathable material which allows for the passage of air and water. It is also very flexible and can be used in fitting different sizes of gaps. In fact, it can also be used in filling irregular gaps which have a variable width. The reason for this is that the thick diameters of the rod can be forced in the narrow gaps found inside the wide joints. They are also most suitable for applications indoor where airtight seals and water resistant features are not really required. Even if they adhere to water and air, they also perform a perfect backing in the application of sealants. They will not bond with the sealants; hence this will ensure that the bonds will only occur in between the sealant and the building materials.
There are actually different benefits when one makes use of the soft rod in sealing various construction joints. The most obvious advantage is that they are typically very easy to install. Their flexibility nature will allow them to easily fit into the gaps without the use of excessive force. They can also bend easily on order to take the shape of joint which would need to be filled. This is also almost impossible when using the closed cell version of the rod. The builder will also be able to cover the gaps with different width easily.
One can also encounter certain few limitations with the use of soft rod in filling up gaps. One of the major disadvantages is that the builder will not be able to use the soft backer rods when filling gaps in outdoor construction works. The soft backer rods will allow moisture and water to pass through hence it is not considered an efficient tool whenever one needs to make an airtight seal. They are also very much vulnerable to heat and it is for this reason that they cannot be used in forming well-insulated seals. These conditions will require the builder to make use of closed cell versions when sealing. The dealers supplying the backer rods will also advise their clients on the best type of backer to use in various circumstances. Nevertheless, the few points which are discussed above will be helpful as one understands when to use the soft backer rods and also when to avoid using these.